May is BackyardBio Month

May is BackyardBio Month!

It’s May and that means Exploring By The Seat of Your Pants is back with their BackyardBio global nature campaign!

BackyardBio encourages the public, and especially kids, to get outdoors exploring looking for all the wildlife that lives near them. Throughout the whole month, the goal is to get people outdoors and inspired to document all the living things they find through photographs, sketches and stories, and to share it with the world to help foster a worldwide appreciation for local biodiversity everywhere.

There are three primary ways people can share what they discover.

1) On social media using the #BackyardBio – share images of wild creatures or of your family/classroom getting out enjoying nature

2) Via the INaturalist App. By joining the BackyardBio INaturalist project all your observations will be collated together to provide a snapshot of all the living things around the globe. For younger kids and classes, we encourage the use of the Seek App instead – as it makes nature learning an engaging game and prevents location data for little ones being collected

3) For teachers, there is the option to register your classroom on the website where your class will be partnered with others of the same age around the world to join in a shared BackyardBio experience. 2021 had 350+ classes participate in this way and it was far and away the most enriching experience for educators and students.



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