by Kayla Padilla was first published on the Paso Pacífico website on
Our three female educators have completed their 10th year leading the Junior Ranger environmental education program. As members of the local community, these women are well-equipped to connect with other locals and to maintain constant contact with family members of the Junior Rangers. They work hand in hand with sea turtle technicians, biologists, and other conservation experts to bring the kids first-class instruction. As supplement to the lessons, field trips to nesting sites managed by Paso Pacifico were made where the children learned about the life cycles of turtles and how we protect their nests.
In July, our Junior Rangers got hands-on and participated in a 7 day cleanup that gathered a total of 1273 lbs of trash in the span of a week. These cleanups took place across five different beaches in Nicaragua and our Junior Rangers played a big role in keeping spirits high and excited about clean seas! The Junior Rangers also took a field trip to the MoSI station at the Mono Bayo Reserve.
This project reached 282 children ages 8-12 in the Junior Ranger program from Ostional, El Coco, Pochote, and San Juan del Sur. From May to August this year, thousands of green sea turtle eggs have hatched on our beaches. We protected 302 olive ridley sea turtles. These numbers include turtles protected in partnership with us at Rancho Santana, a resort that works in close partnership with our sea turtle program. We have one hawksbill nest under our care and had a total of 53 hatched hawksbills!