Organized BioBlitz events bring scientists together with families, schools, and other community members to find and identify as many species as possible in a specific area over a short period of time. These popular and fun events are opportunities for meaningful connections with nature and provide important contributions to species information.
Be A Citizen Scientist!
Here are examples of what organisations around the world are doing to organize BioBlitz events:
Parks Canada: More than 25 events providing unique opportunities to connect with national parks, historic sites and marine conservation areas in celebration of Canada’s 150th. Learn more here
BioBlitz Canada 150: Dozens of events across the country in celebration of Canada’s 150th. Learn more here
Bristol Natural History Consortium: BioBlitz events across the UK. Find one here
BioBlitz in a Box: Tips and tools for organizing a BioBlitz, compiled by the Canadian Wildlife Federation based on various online BioBlitz guides, and professional and personal experiences. Learn more here
BioBlitz Resources and Branding: A UK hub of downloadable resources and free branding to use for your BioBlitz, courtesy of the Bristol Natural History Consortium. Learn more here
U.S. National Park Service: More than a hundred thousand participants attended a nationwide BioBlitz that took place in 129 parks throughout 2016. Learn more about how the National Park Service is creating a new generation of citizen scientists and stewards through biodiversity discovery and exploration here
Australian BioBlitz Hub: a place for volunteers and practitioners to explore and share BioBlitz resources. Learn more here