From the age of 6 months I had access to incredible Nature. My family were privileged enough to go on vacation to a protected area can Ingwelala (Where the leopard sleeps).
From the moment I can start to remember every vacation was spends a few weeks in this area, driving in a safari vehicle with the wind in your hair looking for wildlife. Finding lions, elephants and the elusive leopard was the goal, but the hours spent searching for these was where I fell into nature, Literally… While on the back of a safari vehicle in an attempt to grab a passing branch and ended up falling off the truck. This must have knocked some sense into me because, from that moment till now, I am energized every time I’m driving around in Nature.
When I travelled the USA and Europe for two years in 2001 after leaving school, I was exposed to incredible Nature across the world but nothing compared to the energy I felt in Africa. It was then I decided that I needed to follow my passion and not just visit nature on vacation but work in Nature every day.
Twenty years later my work has allowed me to travel to incredible areas across Africa and connect to Nature. Unfortunately when travelling to these areas I realized that many people living in Nature are loosing connection with the energy of Nature in the struggle to escape poverty. I dream of a day where these people feel the energy of Nature and we truly have #NatureforAll.