Sandra Anahí Perez – a role model for #NatureForAll
One way or another, all of us can make a contribution. For Sandra Anahí Perez, this is key. She is a young person who despite her impoverished state and the few opportunities she had, has fortunately managed to live within the El Triunfo Biosphere Reserve, the most enchanting forest in the world. This love for the location in which she lives is shown and communicated by her every day.
She belongs to the Yaxcabá group, who through a puppet theatre relays a message of love of nature. People are made to reflect through the laughter and stories of their theatrical works. After just three years, their performances have reached over 2,000 children in the most remote communities of the Sierra de Chiapas.
Sandra and her Yaxcabá group are a clear example of love for nature and of #NatureForAll, a global movement whose mission is to inspire love for nature.