Creative Animal Foundation has embarked on a 50-city United States tour with a mission to challenge 1 million people online and in person to live a more sustainable lifestyle… and they’re doing it all from a 203 sq.ft. tiny house on wheels!
Through various educational programs, their goal is to inspire Americans to conserve wildlife and wild places through sustainable living. As the most wasteful country on the planet, they have their work cut out for them. Creative Animal knows that moving into a tiny home on wheels isn’t for everyone, but their message of reducing their run-away consumption of water, electricity, and consumer goods; transcends what type of house they call home and begs us all to ask, “What type of world do we want to call home?”
#NatureForAll + Creative Animal Foundation
The Creative Animal Tour and #NatureForAll are teaming up to get more people into nature. While the #NatureForAll campaign is reaching people all over the world, Creative Animal’s grassroots program is going to be speaking to people face-to-face across the United States and asking them questions like: When did you fall in love with nature? And, what is nature to you?