The UN Decade on Biodiversity (Germany)

#NatureForAll Strategies

The seven #NatureForAll strategies offer solutions to a worldwide problem of disconnection from nature. They have been developed based on recommendations received from the 2014 IUCN World Parks Congress and the 2016 IUCN World Conservation Congress, and advice from #NatureForAll partners worldwide. They will continue to evolve over time. Not every strategy may be applicable in every situation, so our partners choose the one(s) that work best in their local context.



The Goal

The UN Decade on Biodiversity in Germany aims to raise awareness for the importance of nature and biodiversity in our lives and wants to motivate for taking action.

Biodiversity is in strong decline on a global scale. To counter this trend, the United Nations declared the decade from 2011 to 2020 the UN Decade on Biodiversity. The Decade supports the goals and the global measures of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD).

Implementing the UN Decade in Germany, we are carrying out a project award and different communication and social media activities. Likewise, the focus is on supporting know-how exchange as well as establishing and expanding networks with stakeholders and experts.

With a new focus topic every two years, we highlight the various aspects of biodiversity in society and get in touch with relevant groups. In 2017/2018, the main topic is “Healthy – With the diversity of nature”.

From 2017 to 2020, we are working on “Social Nature – #NatureForAll” with an extra project award, many good-practice model projects and a national expert group. This aims at raising awareness of the opportunities that nature offers for social cohesion.



What strategies contributed to The UN Decade on Biodiversity’s success

Strategy 2 + 3: Find and Share the Fun in Nature and Use Urban Gateways to Nature

These are core ideas of our extra award “Social Nature – #NatureForAll”, many outdoor programs as well as zoos, museums, urban parks and gardens have already been awarded as UN Decade projects



Strategy 4: Embrace Technology

We use various communications and social media channels such as online newsletters, a dedicated website, Facebook and Twitter to advertise our activities.



Strategy 6: Seek Out Diverse Partners

Based on our new focus topic every two years and our extra topic “Social Nature – #NatureForAll”, we get in touch with a variety of relevant stakeholder groups in order to mainstream the biodiversity topic.





  • About 400 awarded projects since 2012
  • Large network of local, regional and national institutions
  •  Online, print and television media attention by 400 public decentral events since 2012
  • 18 German celebrities support us as UN Decade ambassadors and biodiversity advocates. 6 youth ambassadors address the younger generation.
  • Establishment of two competence teams with experts and stakeholders from the social sector, health sector and nature conservation.




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