#NatureForAll partner in Bangladesh received prestigious Equator Prize

Women at Bangladesh Sunderbans Eco-Village hold flowers while posing for a picture in front of a banner promoting the ecovillage.


#NatureForAll partner Bangladesh Environment and Development Society was presented with the prestigious Equator Prize this year for its work implementing the Sundarbans Eco Village.

The prize, organized by the Equator Initiative within the United Nations Development Programme, is awarded biennially to recognize outstanding community efforts to reduce poverty through the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity.

Women at Bangladesh Sunderbans Eco-Village hold flowers while posing for a picture in front of a banner promoting the ecovillage.This year’s 11 winners were selected by an independent Technical Advisory Committee, who review nominations based on criteria such impact, innovation, scalability resilience, reduced inequalities and gender equality.

The committee noted that the eco village “exemplifies a holistic approach to environmental sustainability and community development in the disaster-prone Sundarbans coastal region of Bangladesh. The Eco Village initiative encompasses green housing, green business, and green education, focusing on climate change adaptation, nature-based solutions, and sustainable livelihoods through integrated agriculture, fisheries, and forestry.”

Read more about the project here.

Women at Bangladesh Sunderbans Eco-Village hold up saplings ready to be transplanted.  A young Bangladesh girl reads a book


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