Wildlife Clubs of Kenya and #NatureForAll

Wildlife Clubs of Kenya and #NatureForAll

Wildlife clubs of Kenya (WCK) has been at the forefront in ensuring that #NatureForAll movement achieves its objectives through the organisation’s unending commitment and advocacy campaigns for nature conservation. In May and June this year, WCK has conducted many conservation activities across the country that has connected the youths with nature raising awareness, creating opportunities and inspiring their support for conservation.

The engagements have led to many habitats restored through planting of indigenous plant species, helped facilitate school children visits to various protected areas and included hands-on environmental conservation activities, like the one during World Environment Day on June 5.

Since its ratification as a partner of the movement, WCK has given the youths various experiences and connections with nature which are important foundations for long life support and action for the protected areas. WCK is a grassroots environmental and nature conservation organisation formed with the aim of building necessary conservation skills, knowledge and interest among Kenya’s youth.


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